Common errors

My script is not connecting to channels

make sure your voip script doesn't have -main and similar things at the end

If it says -main at the end of the script, delete it

Radio animation not working

You are probably using PMA voice so please add this setting to your server.cfg

setr voice_enableRadioAnim 1

I can't hear other players

Use these settings if you can't hear other players, Add your server.cfg

setr voice_useNativeAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true
setr voice_defaultVolume 100
setr voice_enableRadioAnim 1
setr voice_syncData 1
setr voice_enableSubmix 1

Make sure your onesync setting is "on", You can check with onesync command(only available from cmd/live console)

Also, this link might be helpful

How can i change pma radio animation?

From which file to change pma radio animation

Last updated