Config file

framework = "qb" -- false   -    "esx"    -   "qb"
testCommand = true -- enable test command
dispatchKey = "z" -- Dispatch
dispatchHeadingKey = "y" -- Dispatch [Heading to The Police Call]
dispatchMarkKey = "e" -- Dispatch [Mark On Map]

leftClickControlCD = 10000 --cooldown each time a weapon is fired, script does not send fire notification when on cooldown
gunFiredNotifCD = 60000 --time to send notification again after weapon firing notification for player
-- edit client.lua line 453 for more detailed editing

jobs = {

--[[ sample usage
TriggerEvent("tgiann-policeAlert:alert", alertName, plate, alertCoord, vehicle)

alertName: "string" - the name of the alert that will appear in the notification ex: Gun Fired
plate: "false/true" - hide license plate 
alertCoord: "vector3" - alert coordinate ex: GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) or vector3(0.0 , 0.0, 0.0)
vehicle: "false/true" - hide vehicle information 

Last updated