Config file

-- PLS CHECK ui/js/config.js
	- this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
      Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
      Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using


	--ITEM LIST QB Core - ADD qb-core\blob\main\shared\items.lua
		["cardbook"] = {["name"] = "cardbook",   ["label"] = "cardbook",   ['image'] = 'cardbook.png',   ["weight"] = 10, ["type"] = "item", ["unique"] = true , ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
		["cardpacket"]={["name"] = "cardpacket", ["label"] = "cardpacket", ['image'] = 'cardpacket.png', ["weight"] = 10, ["type"] = "item", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
		["cardplayer"]={["name"] = "cardplayer", ["label"] = "cardplayer", ['image'] = 'cardplayer.png', ["weight"] = 10, ["type"] = "item", ["unique"] = true , ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},  

    --ITEM LIST OX INVENTORY - ADD ox_inventory\data\items.lua
		['cardpacket'] = {
			label = 'Card packet',
			weight = 100,
			stack = true,
			close = true,
			consume = 0,
			client = {
				usetime = 0,
			server = {
				export = 'tgiann-card.cardpacket',
		['cardplayer'] = {
			label = 'cardplayer',
			weight = 100,
			stack = false,
			close = true,
			consume = 0,
			client = {
				usetime = 0,
			server = {
				export = 'tgiann-card.cardplayer',
		['cardbook'] = {
			label = 'cardbook',
			weight = 100,
			stack = false,
			close = true,
			consume = 0,
			client = {
				usetime = 0,
			server = {
				export = 'tgiann-card.cardbook',

config = exports["tgiann-core"]:getConfig()
config.cardabilityCoord = vector4(-143.70985412598, 229.76338195801, 94.936630249023, 1.0)
config.addCardabilityKey = 38 --E
config.showRestartAlert = true
--players who upload their picture are added as a card. 
--if you make this number 10, 10 people must have uploaded the card images in order to use the card item.
config.minCardCount = 1
config.showTotalCardsPrint = true

config.lang = "en"
config.text = {
    ["tr"] = {
        ["addCardability"] = "Kart Özelliği İçin Başvur",
        ["addCardabilityKey"] = "[E]",
        ["uploadedPhoto"] = "Fotoğraf Yüklendi",
        ["restartAlert"] = "Kart verileri sunucu restartında güncellenir",
        ["minCardCount"] = "Sunucuda yeterli sayıda oyuncu kartı bulunmamakta! Daha sonra tekrar dene",
        ["bookEmpty"] = "Kitap Boş",
        ["nobook"] = "üzerinde kitap yok"
    ["en"] = {
        ["addCardability"] = "Add your player card ability",
        ["addCardabilityKey"] = "[E]",
        ["uploadedPhoto"] = "Photo Uploaded",
        ["restartAlert"] = "Card data is updated on server restart",
        ["minCardCount"] = "There are not enough player cards on the server! try again later",
        ["bookEmpty"] = "Book is Empty",
		["nobook"] = "You don't have book"

-- photo size 300px, 300px
-- lvl: Not Required, If written, the min level of the card will be the value written
-- ability: ability :D
config.specificCards = {
        name = "PinkCage Motel",
        photo = "../ui/img/specific/pinkcage.png",
        ability = "Old But Gold Days",

Last updated