How to take clothes images

  1. Stop if you are using any weather sync script

  2. Set the partical setting to medium in gta settings

  3. Start fivem-greenscreenassests and fivem-greenscreener (stop these scripts when not taking pictures)

  4. Use screenshot command and just wait :)

  5. If the size of the images is too large, you can use resizer programs such as XnResize

Disable Fivem Settings

If your Streming Progress setting is on, turn it off

Resize and change to webg format

  1. Open XnResize

  2. Press the Add folder button

  3. Select [inventory-clothing]\fivem-greenscreener\images\clothing folder

  1. Press Next >

  2. Set the Actions settings as in the screenshot

    1. You can make the width and height property 100 - 50 or 25 (100 = 400x400px)

  3. Press Next >

  1. Press 3 dots button (...)

  2. Select [inventory-clothing]\clothes_images folder

  1. Press settings... button in format box

  2. you can set the quality setting to 80

  1. Press Convert and wait :D

Last updated